Sunday School gardeners  

A Place for Every Child
PVUC Sunday School offers something for everyone, from babes in arms to high school youth. Parents and guardians can enjoy our morning worship knowing their children are fully engaged and supervised by a dedicated team of leaders.
Our Classes
We have a dedicated computer lab, and it is not unusual for us to turn a room into a movie theatre or a studio for filming a video, or to bake cookies in our kitchen.
Class Sections
Nursery – Babes in arms to 3 years
School-age – Junior & Senior Kindergarten, Grades 1 to 5, 6 to 8
Youth – Grade 9+ in discussion in Room 8

Our Schedule
On most Sundays we will begin by attending the first part of the worship service upstairs with parents or guardians. After the Conversation with the Children, we come downstairs and usually gather in the chapel for a short time before dividing into our classes. Parents and guardians are always welcome to accompany their child if they wish.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with giving out bulletins before the service, to offer a special song or musical piece or to lead a prayer. On some Sundays we will be leading the congregation in songs that we have learned in Sunday School.
Our Sunday School Staff
Our teachers and helpers ensure a warm and enjoyable Sunday School experience for your child. In accordance with our Volunteer Behavioural policy, all staff are asked to submit a valid police check.
Visit us next Sunday morning to complete your registration form or download the form from this link and bring the completed form to next week’s service. Our Sunday School staff will be waiting for you! 

To see a page of Sunday School and family events, click here.
