Please note that currently services are only ONLINE until further notice. To view a service or worship bulletin, click here.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: Services begin at 10:30 a.m. weekly for most of the year. We have no ‘dress code’. Come as you wish – from ‘Sunday best’ to informal. During July and August our summer worship services begin at 10:00 a.m. Services generally last one hour.
MUSIC: We seek a balance in our music styles from traditional organ-and-choir music to more ‘up tempo’ pieces with piano, guitar, and other instruments. We encourage and enjoy a broad variety of hymns and songs.
THE SERVICE: Typically we have a sermon from our minister or an address from a guest speaker, hymns and prayers. For the very young there is a weekly ‘Conversation (story) with the Children’ followed by a special children’s program downstairs. A nursery is also available.
COMMUNION: We welcome all who love Christ to his table. Non-members of PVUC are invited to participate as are children with their parents.
‘COFFEE’ TIME: Almost every Sunday we have a time after the service for refreshments and fellowship with coffee, tea, juice, lemonade in the summer and sometimes cake!