Our Church Life

Church School Update

Church School will begin their summer break after their package is delivered for June 20th. Lessons will resume on September 12. Everyone have a safe summer!


SERVICES AT PVUC Every Sunday starting at 10:30 a.m. CONGREGATIONAL LUNCHES Fellowship lunch on November 26, 2023


Bob and Rowena Dunlop are familiar faces around PVUC. But then so are their granddaughters, Alexis and Sydney. In the 30 years that Bob and Rowena have been attending PVUC, 14 of them have been in the company of their granddaughters, both of whom began attending PVUC soon after their first birthdays.“When they were young, [Continued...]


Copies of PVUC's Annual Report are available here in pdf form, readable by the Adobe Reader program. To download a free copy of Adobe Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Please note that Budget information has been condensed from the official version of the Annual Report to protect the privacy of individuals. GF 2022 budget for [Continued...]


    Pickering Village United Church is a very active church, with groups for all ages and for a wide range of interests. Throughout the year there are many activities within the church and for the local community. Please browse through our pages to learn about some of the exciting goings-on at PVUC.


FELLOWSHIP LUNCHESFellowship Lunches are held after church usually on the last Sunday of the month during the year, excluding December and the summer months. Menu includes 'GOURMET" hot dogs and sandwiches as well as various salads and desserts. All are welcome! Donations of food and help with setup and cleanup are most appreciated. [Continued...]

Men’s Group

The PVUC Men's Group meets bi-monthly for breakfast and fellowship on Saturday mornings in the Fellowship Hall, followed by group discussions and presentations.Please feel free to join us. Visit the PVUC Men’s Group website for upcoming events and scheduled meetings at the following link. https://sites.google.com/site/pvucmensgroup/home

The U.C.W.

Regular meetings held the first Wednesday of each month with worship, guest speakers and refreshments. The UCW is also sponsoring a monthly "Dinner at Lunch" on the second Friday of each month. Tickets are available in advance. In 2010 members of the UCW created a Remembrance Day presentation entitled Lest We Forget. It features [Continued...]


Our Craft and Fellowship Group meets on most Tuesday mornings, from after 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall downstairs. The group makes many, many items for the Snowflake Christmas Market and provides quilts, teddy bears, baby bonnets and more for other special appeals. Join us for a relaxing social time; we stop for [Continued...]


Our congregation traces its Presbyterian history to 1835, its Methodist roots to the 1820’s and its Quaker heritage to 1807. These distinct traditions, along with The Bible Christian Church which started in the Village in the late 1850’s, have provided a rich spiritual heritage. Pickering United Church was born in 1930 by the union of [Continued...]

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