Our Message


  Our message is the gospel or Good News of God's love shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This centuries-old message, however, is communicated in many different ways: through prayer and praise, sermon and song. It is spread by means both old and new: in print, through study groups, on CDs and DVDs [Continued...]


We seek a balance in our music styles; our traditional organ-and-choir music is supplemented at various times by piano, guitar, and several other instruments. We encourage variety in the type of hymns and songs that we use in worship. We welcome musicians and singers young and old to share their talents with the congregation during [Continued...]


Joining PVUC is possible in several ways: Profession of Faith - for those who have never been a member of another congregation (if necessary, this may be in conjunction with adult baptism). Reaffirmation of Faith - if your membership (here or at another congregation) has lapsed. Transfer - if you are currently a member [Continued...]


Welcome to Pickering Village United Church. Our public worship services and church school are normally held on Sundays beginning at 10:30 a.m. Weekly Sunday Bulletin June 4, 2023 BULLETIN TRINITY SUNDAY - K Chandler May 28, 2023 BULLETIN DAY OF PENTECOST - REV D ELLIOTT Booklet May 21, 2023 BULLETIN 7th AFTER EASTER - [Continued...]


Sunday Worship Services are recorded on both CDs and DVDs. Services are also available online; see "Sermons" under this same drop-down menu. PVUC has upgraded our audio/visual capabilities with the installation of a camera, projectors, screens and new sound system in the sanctuary, and a projector, screen and sound system in the chapel. The audio system in [Continued...]


LENTEN STUDYCurently no study groups planned. To see courses offered at Five Oaks Education and Retreat Centre (Paris, Ontario), click on this link: http://www.fiveoaks.on.ca


PVUC VOICE is published 8 times each year. The web version available here is an enhanced edition of the print version. You must have the Adobe Reader program on your computer to read these files. To download a free copy of Adobe Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Autumn 2024 Voice Newsletter Voice March 2024 December [Continued...]


DVD's of our Sunday morning worship services are available for most Sundays and can be obtained by contacting the Church Office. Videos of our services are available online by using the following link: PVUC Video Library Link: Click here. Worship Bulletins: Click here.

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