Community of Faith profile
Community of Faith Profile 2023
Community of Faith Profile 2023
1. Welcome and opening devotions2. Election of Chairperson and Secretary for the meeting3. Motion of Approval for adherents to vote4. Adoption of agenda5. Minutes of previous annual meeting6. Minutes of Congregational meeting of November 22, 20227. Annual Report – the report will be considered in the order they appear in thereport, with the exception of [Continued...]
April 24, 2022 PVUC ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGThe annual meeting of the Pickering Village United Church congregation was held in the sanctuary on April24, 2022. There was a quorum present.ATTENDANCE:Approximately 35 members of the congregation were present.WELCOME AND OPENING DEVOTIONSMeeting was called to order at 11:25 a.m. Rev. Dr. Steven Davis welcomed everyone [Continued...]
PICKERING VILLAGE UNITED CHURCH Minutes of Congregational Meeting of November 20, 2022 Welcome and call to order Chuck Hay welcomed the Church congregation after the main service to the congregational meeting, along with those attending by Zoom. There was a quorum – with over 70 people including 7 to 10 online. Opening prayer Both [Continued...]
Church School will begin their summer break after their package is delivered for June 20th. Lessons will resume on September 12. Everyone have a safe summer!
With our great thanks, you can contribute to PVUC using one of the following methods. Donations/Offerings to PVUC via Bank E-Transfers: Go to the e-transfer section of your online banking site. Create or add “New Recipient”. Contact Information: “PVUC”. Type in the following email address: Indicate how much you would like to donate. [Continued...]
July 2020 We hope that this email finds you well at this very uncertain time. As one of our valuable renters here at Pickering Village United Church (PVUC), we wanted to update you on the status of our Church building. With the outbreak of COVID-19, you might be aware that our Church building and [Continued...]